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Automated Alerts, Emails and SMS

Stay informed effortlessly with Automated Alerts, Email and SMS.

  1. Send out emails and SMS messages automatically and in the background.
  2. Just configure the business rules and conditions, and it all happens without you having to raise a finger, or even a tap or a click!
  3. Send automated alerts for finances overdue, academic warnings, compliance alerts and more…
Automated alerts

With TEAMS, you can send out emails and SMS messages manually whenever you wish. Just go to our Mail Merge Centre and you can send out messages for all kinds of reasons. 

When a potential issue arises, the quicker you are alerted to it, the quicker you can respond to and resolve the situation. You may also need to alert your customers to an issue, depending on your company’s needs.

With the help of TEAMS, you can use several systems through one single interface.

Automate Critical Alerts​

Automate your key notifications to manage your institute more successfully and efficiently. These can be easily linked to almost any system.

With the TEAMS automation feature, experience:

  • An increase in your business performance
  • Complete transparency of information 
  • Superior client service quality
  • Safety from any potential dangers

What makes us stand out is our ability to automate the processes based on pre-defined business rules.

Want to send out overdue invoice notices via email and SMS as soon as something is more than 7 days overdue? Done! Even better, once you have it configured, it sends out alerts automatically without anyone having to do anything further.

Take control. Without having to constantly do it all yourself.